

We write and maintain Linux kernel drivers for Microsoft Surface devices.

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Hi there! We are the linux-surface developer team. We aim to provide a smooth Linux experience on Microsoft Surface devices by developing and maintaining the required kernel drivers, fixing bugs, and trying to provide kernel and user-space support where needed.

Currently, our main goals are getting the driver for the embedded controller, responsible for (among others) keyboard input and battery information, integrated into the official Linux kernel source code and providing full touch support for newer Linux kernels and Surface devices. There are still a lot of other things to do, including support for cameras and addressing WiFi speed and stability issues.

Thanks for considering to support us on this journey!


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linux-surface eier følgende kontoer på andre plattformer:


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Linux Kernel for Surface Devices

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Userspace daemon for Intel Precise Touch & Stylus

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Linux kernel driver for Intel Precise Touch & Stylus

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Linux ACPI and Platform Drivers for Surface Devices using the Surface Aggregator Module over Surface Serial Hub (Surface Book 2, Surface Pro 2017, Surface Laptop, and Newer)


linux-surface registrerte seg for 4 år siden.

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