
EUpolicy.social - A Mastodon server for the EU bubble

eupolicy.social mottar 12,95 € hver uke fra 15 kronerullere. Mål: 20,00 €
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The aim of eupolicy.social is to provide a friendly and respectful discussion space for people working in the field of EU policy and to contribute to the health, diversity and growth of the fediverse. It is our intention that you use this service for friendly and respectful interaction with others. To that end, we hope to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for all users.

eupolicy.social is privately owned and open to users voluntarily. We do not make any profits from running this service. Hosting a Mastodon instance costs money though. If you have an account on eupolicy.social and are happy with it, we would like to kindly invite you to support us financially through a donation if you can. Thank you!

Koblede kontoer

eupolicy.social eier følgende kontoer på andre plattformer:

Kronerullere   Eksporter som CSV

eupolicy.social har 6 offentlige kronerullere.

1,34 €/uke
1,00 €/uke
1,00 €/uke
0,75 €/uke
Bernd Hüttemann
0,25 €/uke
0,23 €/uke


eupolicy.social registrerte seg for 2 år siden.

Inntekt per uke (i euro)

Ukentlig antall kronerullere

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