

The author of PMEG

Bertilo mottar 28,47 € hver uke fra 9 kronerullere. Mål: 100,00 €
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I am the author of PMEG, Plena Manlibro de Esperanta Gramatiko, the main grammar of Esperanto. The first edition is out of print, and I need your support to complete a new edition, and to continuously update the web version that is free for use. I also want to create a new version of la Detala Gramatiko de Esperanto. I also work on Tekstaro de Esperanto and the Internet version of the main Esperanto dictionary Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, give advice about Esperanto on Duolingo, and much more to help learners and users of the International Language Esperanto. My web site is: bertilow.com. I also blog about my work for Esperanto and about this crowdfunding project

You can find me on Facebook: "https://www.facebook.com/bertilo.wennergren".


Bertilo registrerte seg for 6 år siden.

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