
YewTube - searx.be - nitter.unixfox.eu

Donating to yewtu.be, searx.be and nitter.unixfox.eu

yewtube mottar 24,62 € hver uke fra 32 kronerullere.
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Every day YewTube handle 40 million requests and 2TB (2000GB) of bandwidth. All this traffic has a cost.

By donating, you are helping me cover the costs and also improve the user experience because I'll be able to rent more powerful servers.

I truly thank you if you consider donating to YewTube.


Every day searx.be handle 20 million requests and 1TB (1000GB) of bandwidth. All this traffic has a cost.

By donating, you are helping me cover the costs and also improve the user experience because I'll be able to rent more powerful servers.

I truly thank you if you consider donating to searx.be.


nitter.unixfox.eu is load balanced between multiple servers in order to not have Twitter blocking the service.

By donating you are allowing me to keep a working experience with nitter because I'll be able to rent more servers in order to reduce the likeness of being blocked by Twitter.

I truly thank you if you consider donating to nitter.unixfox.eu.


yewtube registrerte seg for 3 år siden.

Inntekt per uke (i euro)

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