

Free Software Hacker and Musician

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I believe that software is a Commons and should be in the hands of autonomous individuals and collectives, not for-profit organizations.

As a Free Software hacker with decades worth of experience, I'm on your side in modifying software to better suit your needs, or writing new software from scratch. I contribute to software projects big and small, most notably to GNU Guix, a reproducible package manager that aims to make it feasible for users to make practical use of the four software freedoms. My contributions to GNU Guix alone in the service of reproducible deployments in scientific and personal compute environments span more than 10 years.

I'm also a musician: I play the Chapman Stick, guitars, erhu, and synthesizers. These two worlds regularly intersect, for example in my development of a Lilypond [score engraver for Chapman Stick sheet music](TODO), or most recently in the development of a converter from Faust DSP programs to Axoloti synthesizer objects.

Supporting me on Liberapay doesn't accomplish much yet, because I'm currently employed at a research institute. Showing your support here, however, may one day make me reconsider.

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Development of the reproducible package manager GNU Guix

0,00 €
per uke


rekado registrerte seg for 1 år siden.

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