
N(ン) Toyohito(豊人)

Aspiring comic/manga creator from Greece.

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Hey! I'm N Toyohito . I've only just (officially) started my adventure on manga/comic creation. Currently working on a manga that first started forming in my mind quite a few years back. I now have the still-amateur skills required to reach a result that is, at least to me, satisfying.

Since it's more of a hobby than a job for now, and loving it so much, I want to keep it separate from others means of income. It would be grand if I could use donations from people who like what I create (be that stories, artwork, panels, ideas, characters of the comics/manga) and have art support art in a way! For now all support will go for buying more manga and comics that could prove useful for improving my skill of storytelling and lines.

Whether this happens or not, thanks for checking out my stuff, and I really hope that you like 'em :)

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