
Louis Pilfold

Creating the Gleam programming language and its ecosystem

lpil mottar 16,02 £ hver uke fra 7 kronerullere.
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Hello! I'm Louis, the creator of Gleam, a type safe and highly scalable programming language for the Erlang virtual machine. Gleam is used in production by several organisations, and our friendly community is growing by the day!

If you share my love for type safe programming and the unrivalled scalability and concurrency of Erlang please consider supporting Gleam by sponsoring me on GitHub. Your sponsorship will allow me to pay the bills as I work full time on the documentation, tooling, and libraries needed for Gleam to be a productive, production ready language alongside its siblings Elixir and Erlang.

If your company would like to invest further in Gleam or are interested in feature sponsorship or consultation services please get in contact with me directly.

Thank you for your support. With your help we can make type safe programming in the Erlang ecosystem more fun and more productive than ever 💜

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A friendly language for building type-safe systems that scale!

10,88 £
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