
Ian Davis

Please support my on-line photography work and mentoring.

itdm5j21 mottar € 0,00 hver uke fra 0 kronerullere.
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To support my continued on-line photography work and mentoring - I do not charge for photographic mentoring and support. Needed are replacement of small parts and items of equipment etc. Why am I requesting donations? To continue with supporting other photographers on open source social photography networks.

My blog is - 'OneEyeOpen' - Life Through a Viewfinder at https://i-davis.co.uk/

Contact: https://i-davis.carrd.co or [https://photog.social @<itdm5j21@photog.social>] or [https://matt.social.co.uk @<Ian@matt.social.co.uk>]

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itdm5j21 registrerte seg for 6 år siden.

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