
Fandom Garden (mastodon instance)

Mastodon instance to gush about fandoms. We are a queer, anti-racist, anti-ableist space.

fandom.garden mottar € 2,43 hver uke fra 5 kronerullere. Mål: € 7,00
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Fandom Garden is a Mastodon instance gush about fandoms. We are a queer, anti-racist, anti-ableist space.

Your pledges will be used to pay for the costs of running the instance: hosting fee and domain name registration. Any leftover will to toward paying commissions to make the instance as cosy and customized as possible (banner art and custom emojis).

Currently, the following costs are involved in the operation of the instance:

  • hosting: 29€ per month,
  • domain name: 35€ per year (or roughly 3€ per month).


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Koblede kontoer

fandom.garden eier følgende kontoer på andre plattformer:


fandom.garden registrerte seg for 3 år siden.

Inntekt per uke (i euro)

Ukentlig antall kronerullere

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