

Promoting opensource and education

eduAlgos mål er å motta 20,00 USD per uke.
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We are raising funds to maintain our opensource projects and utilize your donated amount for education as well as software development through opensource. 20% of your donation is going to be donated again to organize different events under the opensource banner to create the revolution. Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. In the process of spreading the word of opensource, we are bringing out our merchandise Check us on https://edualgo.threadless.com/

Koblede kontoer

eduAlgo eier følgende kontoer på andre plattformer:


edualgo.github.io Stjerner 4 Oppdatert for 3 år siden

This is the organization site.

documentation Stjerner 4 Oppdatert for 3 år siden

The documentation website for the python package "eduAlgo"


eduAlgo registrerte seg for 3 år siden.

Inntekt per uke (i amerikanske dollar)

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