
Codeberg e.V.

Codeberg. The Non-Profit Collaboration Project

codeberg mottar € 206,67 hver uke fra 231 kronerullere.
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Keep Open-Source open for everyone!

Codeberg is a Non-Profit Organization, with the objective to give the Open-Source code that is running our world a safe and friendly home, and to ensure that free code remains free and secure forever.

Our ambition is to provide developers with a free and Open-Source repository version control platform and management user interface.

The Mission

The development of Free and Open Source Software is experiencing an unbroken boom, due to the general availability of the internet and the resulting social network effects, multiplying communication, exchange of ideas, and productivity each and every month. The number of developers and projects participating in the Open-Source movement is growing exponentially. Only new software tools and collaboration platforms made these dynamics possible and managable.

While all successful software tools that enabled this development were contributed by the Free and Open Source Software community, commercial for-profit platforms dominate hosting the results of our collaborative work. This led to the paradoxon that literally millions of volunteers create, collect, and maintain invaluable knowledge, documentation, and software, to feed platforms driven by closed commercial interests, whose program is neither visible nor controllable from outside. Considering the fate of formerly successful startups like SourceForge, we need to break the circle and avoid history repeating.

Mission of the Codeberg e.V. is building and maintaining a free collaboration platform, for creating, archiving, and preserving code and document of its development process.

Dependencies on commercial, external, or proprietary services for the operation of the platform are thus decidedly avoided, in order to guarantee independence, and reliability.

We thank you for your trust and your support. Join us at https://codeberg.org!

Kronerullere   Eksporter som CSV

codeberg har 117 offentlige kronerullere.

Topp-10-kronerullerne er:

USD 5,76/uke
€ 5,00/uke
€ 5,00/uke
Ethan White
USD 5,00/uke
Alex Akselrod
USD 5,00/uke
AUD 7,50/uke
USD 4,61/uke
Libre Organize
USD 3,84/uke


codeberg registrerte seg for 6 år siden.

Inntekt per uke (i euro)

Ukentlig antall kronerullere

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