
Valery Milovic / Broken Toyland

"Life beats down and crushes the soul. And art reminds you that you have one."

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Hey there :) I'm Valery. An artist. I created Broken Toyland, back in the mid to late 90s. A universe in my mind, that has become alive with enduring characters, sparks of hope... and the fragments of love. A place where you're understood. Where hearts can mend... where your inner child can just "be". It's a place where love is real.

My goal has always been to cause people to "feel" and "communicate" though art. To help the hopeless find hope.

Each of us has our own unique talents and this is one of mine. I suffer from severe ptsd, and art allows me to work hard on something I'm able to do, want to do and am grateful to be able to do (it's my only source of income). I call this job of mine, a verdict. Because I have to do it. I can't not do art. I have memories from when I was about 3 years old, using crayons and being obsessed with certain colours. It became an obsession and still is. I think it keeps me alive when hope has drained out. A calm focus in a world of chaos.

My creations usually involve the raw things of life: Emotions, struggle, vice, love, loss, sorrow, empathy, joy, awakening, hope and hopelessness... human things. Taking what's inside, and creating it outside, on a canvas or whatever.

The world can be so oppressive at times. Many of us feel completely alone and invisible. Through my art, I seek to bridge that gap. To help others know that we have more in common than not. That even a spark of hope, can ignite.

It's been said that music is the universal language. I say, "Art is the language of the heART." A language without words, where we can relate, connect and resonate with one another. A common ground.

For years I used to have a lot of success selling my creations via social media. I didn't make a lot... I made enough to live on. To pay my few bills and buy food. But they started censoring and shadowbanning small businesses several years ago (mainly facebook, but seems like they're all doing it now). This took an enormous toll on my income. Approx an 80% cut. I have never recovered from that. But I haven't given up, either. I won't give up.

I keep seeking new venues, like this one. We each have a right to create our own lives. But there are 'powers that be' who want to do all the controlling. No thank you very much. Supporting small business is more helpful than you might ever imagine. If you support small business, God bless you for that. Seriously. It is such a moral thing to do. You're keeping people alive and hopeful. I don't know how many (in the USA) know what it's like to live off a max of 400-500 dollars per month. I don't want anyone to suffer that. But those of us that are struggling to stay afloat, know exactly what that's like.

I was using another platform for support, offering a free art gift to those who support me at 25$ or more per month. The value of the art usually exceeds the donation (especially with shipping!). Each is a one of a kind, original art piece. I am super grateful for any donations though. But if anyone sends 25 or more, I will gladly send you some free "THANK YOU" art (inside the USA. If you live outside the USA, there will be shipping fees that we will have to discuss.) And if there's something you like, let me know. And I will do that as the subject. A certain animal, a word, symbol, quote, etc. I'm so thankful for those who have supported me in the past. A small handful of people, but man, I'm filled with gratitude for that support. And for any future patrons.

I built Broken Toyland by myself. And after all these years, I'm still doing it by myself. This IS my life. It's amazing to me that some of you find value in that. In a world that often makes us feel insignificant and invisible, it's very humbling. Thank you.

Check out brokentoyland.com. I have a shop there with available art. I understand it's not everyone's cuppa tea. But some will like it. Maybe some will love it. In any event, thank you for considering me and my art.

Much love to you 🧡



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