
Abivia Open Source Software

Open Source Software

abivia mottar CAD 0,00 hver uke fra 0 kronerullere.
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Open source packages for PHP, and Laravel. Abivia has launched an array of open source projects.

Abivia is run by Alan Langford with a long history of contributing to open source, most notably Joomla and the old PHP PEAR libraries (Alan has been using PHP since version 2.0). Abivia open source work includes packages for the Laravel framework and business applications.

These projects consume a lot of effort and there's much more we'd like to do. Any amount in support of our work is greatly appreciated.

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abivia donerer offentlig til 1 skaper.

CAD 2,07/uke


abivia registrerte seg for 2 år siden.

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