

I established www.parasympathetic.org to spread knowledge and exercises on how to cope with stress.

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The purpose of www.parasympathetic.org is to spread knowledge and practical exercises for anyone interested in releaving stress and anxiety. The exercises are gathered from different sources and practices; mindfulness, meditation, ACT-therapy and others. The idea of the exercises is to help people in experimenting to find ways to activate their parasympathetic nervous systems and thus help them live a more fulfilling life.

www.parasympatethetic.org is run by Trainshare Universal Ltd., a company located in Finland.

I am the founder of the company and I am asking for donations for two reasons: 1. To validate if this information brings value to the visitors of the website 2. To fund the upkeep and development of the website


Trainshare registrerte seg for 3 år siden.

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