
Associació TechFems

We empower and support women (incl. trans and non-binary) to build a successful tech career

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TechFems wants to empower women (including trans and non-binary) regardless of experience or background to take part and thrive in a tech career. We achieve this by building a community for tech women+, and those interested in a tech career, to grow and connect by sharing knowledge, experiences, skills, and opportunities. With in-person study events and social activities we support the women+ in the community, and help them expand their network and create new opportunities related to a career in tech. TechFems provides a safe space for women+ to empower each other. In a sector where women+ are by far the minority, TechFems offers a warm welcome and a supportive community, for women+, by women+.

We value

  • respect: the TechFems community is a non-judgmental, safe space
  • solidarity: the TechFems community stands together in unity
  • generosity: the TechFems community shares experiences and time, and is open and welcoming
  • inclusivity: the TechFems community strongly supports diversity
  • growing together: the TechFems community offers mutual support and inspiration, and is free of competition
  • change for good: the TechFems community brings change to the status-quo in tech


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