
Daniele Mte90 Scasciafratte

Daniele Scasciafratte, an Italian skilled developer with experiences on community building, developm

Mte90 mottar 0,23 € hver uke fra én kroneruller.
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Daniele Scasciafratte, the Open Source Multiversal guy, is a co-founder of his web agency Codeat in Rome. In the WordPress world is a Core Contributor and plugin developer. Creator of GlotDict and WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered and co-maintainer of VVV. It is a long time volunteer in the Mozilla community, Mozilla Rep (former Reps Council member) also Mozilla TechSpeakers. Part of the council of association Italian Linux Society since 2021.

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Mte90 har 1 offentlig kroneruller.

Edoardo Secco
0,23 €/uke


Mte90 registrerte seg for 2 år siden.

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