

Android: App-Lists & F-Droid compatible repository

IzzyOnDroid har 0 kronerullere.


As IzzyOnDroid I maintain well sorted Lists for Android Apps, occasionally write articles on Android topics – and maintain an F-Droid compatible app repository. That takes a big piece of my time – on average about 1-2 hours a day. The machinery (incl. hosting) wants to be paid as well – which is why I'm glad of your support via LiberaPay – or alternatively via Bitcoin to 18VLyVMoaK1MsiEmcUrxWda4aLYDqg2r3x.

You can also find me at Mastodon as @IzzyOnDroid@floss.social.

If you want to support me here at Liberapay, please help covering the costs to keep my Mastodon account alive – and donate to its instance FLOSS.social. To do so, follow this link to their Liberapay profile. Thanks a lot!


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IzzyOnDroid registrerte seg for 6 år siden.

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