

HDVinnie is creating The Nex-Generation Torrent Tracker

HDVinnie har 0 kronerullere.


Please Support 💙 UNIT3D 💙

I have been developing a Nex-Gen Torrent Tracker Script called "UNIT3D." This is a PHP software based off the lovely Laravel Framework -- currently Laravel Framework 5.6.24, MySQL Strict Mode Compliant and PHP 7.1 Ready. The code is well-designed and follows the PSR-2 coding style. It uses a MVC Architecture to ensure clarity between logic and presentation. As a hashing algorithm of Bcrypt or Argon2 is used, to ensure a safe and proper way to store the passwords for the users. A lightweight Blade Templating Engine. Caching System Supporting: "apc,” "array,” "database,” "file," "memcached," and "redis" methods. Eloquent and much more!

Why Support Me?

Since I have pretty much been working full-time on UNIT3D. I devoted my full attention to making this delightful open source software. However, it is very time consuming and this can't continue forever without your support.

I’m not affiliated with any company (getting paid to code), so I'm counting on your support to enable me to keep writing coding and maintaining UNIT3D.

I'm raising funds here so I can devote more time to UNIT3D. I'd love to be able to devote all my time to maintaining/upgrading UNIT3D 😇 as well as adding new features ✹.

Why donate?

Your donation will enable me to continue releasing new versions of UNIT3D.

"Put your money where your love is." – The Grateful Dead

Your donation also makes a clear statement: You value the work I do. You understand its time consuming and is not a easy task.

I care deeply about the Laravel community. A few years ago, I fell in love with Laravel and decided to make UNIT3D since there was nothing like it out there based off a real framework.


Some folks have asked me if it's possible to do a one-time donation, or if I accept cryptocurrency. Yes, and yes!

Bitcoin (BTC) - 3HUVkv3Q8b5nbxa9DtXG1dm4RdTJaTFRfc

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) - qp3wgpnwzpj4v9sq90wflsca8p5s75glrvga9tweu2

Ether (ETH) - 0x5eFF42F65234aD9c6A0CA5B9495f3c6D205bBC27

Litecoin (LTC) - MDLKyHzupt1mchuo8mrjW9mihkKp1LD4nG

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your love.

— Vinnie

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