

Machine Learning Engineer

GRAUKs mål er å motta 2 000,00 AUD per uke.
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🌟 Support the Future of AI: Advancing Towards AGI 🌟

Hello, I represent a team of ML engineers dedicated to pushing the boundaries of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). AGI has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with technology and solve some of the world's most complex problems.

Our mission is to bring AGI closer to reality by researching, developing, and refining cutting-edge machine learning algorithms. But this journey requires resources, and that's where you come in!

By supporting my Liberapay campaign, you're directly contributing to the progress of AGI. Your generous donations will be used for:

🧠 Research & Development: Funding experiments, hardware, and software needed to advance AGI capabilities.

📚 Education & Outreach: Sharing knowledge and insights with the AI community and the public to promote ethical AI development.

💡 Collaborations: Building partnerships with like-minded researchers and organizations to accelerate AGI progress.

💻 Open Source Contributions: Developing and maintaining open-source AI tools and libraries for everyone's benefit.

Your support, no matter the amount, brings us one step closer to a future where AI enhances our lives in unimaginable ways. Together, we can shape the future of AGI, ensuring it is safe, ethical, and beneficial for humanity.

Join me on this exciting journey towards AGI and make a meaningful impact on the future of technology. Thank you for your generosity and belief in the limitless potential of AI!

🚀 Let's create the future together! 🤖


GRAUK registrerte seg for 9 måneder siden.

Inntekt per uke (i australske dollar)

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