
Biggie Mwanza

We all have a purpose in life. My purpose(To spread the knowledge of God's Word) I need your support

Biggie_Mwanzas mål er å motta 2 000,00 € per uke.
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My goal is simple! When I reach €1,511.43 I will use the resources to invest in my ministry materials (Buy a new laptop and enrol at a Bible college to advance my knowledge), and use the remaining resources to pay home bills (Electricity, food etc) so that I can continue spreading free knowledge inspired by the Holy Spirit to save a life. My mandate is to inspire, win, impact and influence 6 billion people for Jesus, with my God given message (Here for His message, not mine-Mark 16:15) to His glory alone.


Biggie_Mwanza registrerte seg for 3 år siden.

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