
Accessibility Wars

We are a community of Guild Wars 2 gamers with accessibility needs that help others

AccessibilityWars mottar CAD 1,68 hver uke fra 2 kronerullere. Mål: CAD 2,00
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We are a community of Guild Wars 2 players with accessibility needs. We aim to help accommodate a wide range of needs, from physical to cognitive.

To this end, with the help of the community, we build custom tools, and publish guides and Accessible Builds that can allow players to enjoy more difficult content, and comfortably contribute in group play across game modes.

Donations go towards hosting and software costs, as Accessibility Wars has zero advertising or web tracking. Any remainder is split amongst contributors as an honorarium.


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zaw2 Stjerner 0 Oppdatert denne uken

zola-based accessibility wars website

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AccessibilityWars har 1 offentlig kroneruller.

CAD 0,37/uke


AccessibilityWars registrerte seg for 1 måned siden.

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