

Hey-AI! needs support

tenshis mål er å motta 30,00 USD per uke.
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Even though operated by a company, Hey-AI! is not a for-profit endeavor, and all moderators and administrators are unpaid volunteers.

Revenue from Google Ads is steadily decreasing and we have not been able to finance Hey-Ai from this income source alone. If we run out of money, we will have to terminate all services and shut down Hey-AI! We’d love to avoid that and continue offering the site to you.

Currently, Hey-AI! requires roughly 120 USD per month to operate. We could move to a different (and cheaper) server, but this would reduce service quality even further, making the site load even slower. The alternative would be to make Hey-AI! a paid service, however we think Hey-AI! should remain a free-to-use service.

Therefore, we ask everybody who can afford it and is willing to help, to support us in covering the operational costs. If we are able to surpass the funding goal, we are able to replenish our reserves, giving us some leeway for future shortcomings.


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