
Ahmad Gharbeia

I do what I think is useful

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I contribute to free software (FOSS) projects for the common good by localising into Arabic and with code, as well as translate the writing and works that I like, usually having to do with social justice, freedom and autonomy, including articles, manifestos, research papers, graphic novels, etc. I also experiment with graphics and photography that I license under copyleft licenses or release in the public domain

I'm @gharbeia@mastodon.social and @gharbeia:matrix.org

Koblede kontoer

gharbeia eier følgende kontoer på andre plattformer:


wikitools Stjerner 0 Oppdatert for 2 år siden

A collection of tools to manage Mediawiki installations and wikifamilies.

mediawiki-ar Stjerner 0 Oppdatert for 2 år siden

ملفات تعريب واجهة ميدياويكي و ملحقاتها

SemanticMediaWiki-ar Stjerner 0 Oppdatert for 2 år siden

arabic localisation files for SMW

ooni-test-lists (forgreining) Stjerner 2 Oppdatert for 6 år siden

URL testing lists intended for discovering website censorship


gharbeia registrerte seg for 5 år siden.

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