
Derek Taylor

DistroTube is creating videos about Linux and free and open source software.

DistroTube har 0 kronerullere.


What is DistroTube?

DistroTube is a YouTube channel started by me (Derek Taylor) back in October 2017 initially focused on Linux distribution installations and reviews. As the channel grows and I mature in my role as a content creator, I am trying to spend more time on other Linux-related topics as well, including: app reviews, terminal and command line tutorials, desktop environment and window manager tutorials, Linux news and the occasional live stream event. Eventually, I would also like to broaden the scope of this channel to include more hardware-related videos and tutorials.

For Those that Choose to Donate:

First, let me offer you my sincerest gratitude. Secondly, know that it is because of your help that the channel will grow in quality, volume and viewership.

Koblede kontoer

DistroTube eier følgende kontoer på andre plattformer:


DistroTube registrerte seg for 6 år siden.

Inntekt per uke (i amerikanske dollar)

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